Anti-Racism White Ally Development Group Meeting
Definition: Anti- Racism White Ally Development Group is a designated space for psychologists and graduate students who identify as White.
Goals: To create a space for difficult dialogues about anti-Blackness, racism, White privilege, and White supremacy. The primary goal of this group is to explore and develop stronger White allyship skills. Those skills are enhanced by an openness to challenge personal biases and willingness to talk about them and find solutions to better support our colleagues, friends, students, and patients of color. As we move forward, there will be open discussions and more structured discussions about allyship for White psychologists and graduate students. This group will provide support for identifying ways to show up, amplify, and give power to voices of color.
Vision: As the group evolves, we envision a process that allows for tremendous personal and professional growth. We will tackle challenging topics and stay relevant to what is going on in the world around us. Our initial meetings may focus more on the role of ally development around supporting our Black colleagues and students.
Note: Online registration is not required, just click the zoom link above to join the meeting.